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Off the blocks

Being a brilliant team


Turning team strengths into superpowers

Identify and share talents to create a common language that builds a high performing superhero team working together as a force for good not evil

In this 3 hour session** you will explore:

The talents and strengths of individuals can by mighty, but when combined in a team setting, outstanding results can be achieved. This session uses psychometrics* to understand the unique contribution every team member can make. You will then discover how to blend these strengths to unleash the full potential of the team as a whole.

What makes you uniquely you and what makes a super strong team

How to plot your collective team strengths and create dynamic duo partnerships

Avoiding the dark side – identifying pressure points and overplayed strengths

Creating a Superhero pact – developing squad goals to become invincible

* Gallup® CliftonStrengths or Strengthscope®
** This session is kicked off with a one to one briefing with the team manager

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